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Court Fees

When you apply to the court, you usually need to pay a fee. The amount of fee depends on the type of order you are applying for.

Application fees for Child Arrangements, Prohibited Steps and Specific Issue Orders

Application fees for an Enforcement Order (in respect of contact and/or a Child Arrangements Order)

Application fees for a Parental Responsibility Order

Application fees for further orders in existing proceedings

Application fees for Special Guardianship

Application fees for Contact with a Child in Care

Application fees for and Emergency Protection Order

Where an application is made or permission is sought under two or more of the above orders, only one fee is payable, and if the fees are different, the highest fee is paid.

The following guides provide more information on applying for these orders:

Child Arrangements Orders Contact Enforcement and Warning Notices Prohibited Steps Orders Specific Issue Orders

When applying for permission, no fee is payable on filing the subsequent application. If you are not sure whether you need permission to apply for a court order, click on the button below:

Do I need permission to apply?

Applications within proceedings

Application by consent or without notice where no other fee is specified

Application fees in respect of a breach to, or revocation of, an Enforcement Order

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Michael Robinson © 2014

Family law information for parents whose children are resident in England and Wales

Crown Copyright material is reproduced with the permission of the Controller of HMSO and the Queen's printer for Scotland.

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